LT-MA Students & Families,
Here are a couple of quick announcements!
Testing Information
Don’t forget that testing is Friday, February 23rd at 6pm. Tigers will be at 6pm and then all kids and adults will be at 6:45pm.
If you wish to test you need to turn in the following BEFORE TESTING:
- Permission to Test Form – Student Downloads Page or download directly here
- Word of the Month – Goals – Student Downloads Page or download directly here
- Payment (please see Mr. Overby to take care of payment prior to testing)
There is a guide of what students need to be able to do on the Student Downloads Page as well. This cycle all students are working on Yellow Belt Material. Please download the one under “Testing Forms” or download directly here.
Lastly, if you do happen to forget a paper or aren’t sure if you should test – come to testing! If things don’t go well you can re-test, but if you miss testing because you aren’t sure or don’t have a paper in you can’t make it up. If you forget your paper(s) we usually just hold your belt until it is taken care of. There will be no regularly scheduled classes that day.
Flatiron/Broomfield Location
After careful consideration we will not be expanding to have classes at that location. Classes will only be held at the Westminster Life Time location (on Wednesday and Friday’s).
Mastership Process
I apologize for being gone for a week, however it was a required part of my Master’s training. It was an amazing time full of training and memorable experiences. One of the highlights was hiking Turtle Head Peak with my wife and brother. It was a very difficult hike but an amazing opportunity to be part of something that has been a tradition in the ATA for decades. If you are interested you can see full pictures here: My brother and I still have a lot of work to do but are excited to be working on the process of earning the title of Master Instructor this year at World Championships. Thank you to everyone that has supported us to get to this point as well as during this process.
Master Nominee J Overby
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